Reflective/Clinical Supervision

Aspire feels that reflective/clinical supervision is just as important as administrative supervision. Administrative supervision typically focuses on making sure employees meet job expectations. Reflective/clinical supervision focuses on ensuring that helping professionals have the support needed to provide efficient and effective services. This often includes discussing difficulties with participants, how our own judgments get in the way, how hard it is to not tell someone what to do, etc.
As a human, it is difficult to work with other humans. We have to engage in something called “emotional labor” to provide direct, compassionate care. We work with people in difficult situations that stretch us to our limits at times. All of these reasons necessitate that we engage in reflective/clinical supervision to address the what, why, how & how well of service provision.
What: What does the program expect? What does the participant want? What do I think needs to be addressed? What is the best way to address all expectations and needs?
Why: Individualized care means knowing which words to use with which people at which times, along with how slowly or quickly to go. Knowing what you are doing is only part of doing a good job; knowing why you are doing it is essential.
How: Understanding some therapeutic theories and approaches is essential to providing helpful direct care. We most know how to be direct and compassionate in many diverse situations with many diverse people. And we must feel confident in doing so.
How Well: Evaluating how well we are providing services to participants is also an essential part of direct care. Evaluating, monitoring and addressing how well we are caring for ourselves in the process is also essential.
Ideally, reflective/clinical supervision should be offered to everyone who provides direct care services to program participants, i.e. administrators/managers, psychotherapists/counselors, treatment specialists, social workers, case managers/navigators, coaches, advocates, emergency medical services personnel (EMS), law enforcement officers, corrections guards, probation/parole agents, etc. Aspire provides reflective/clinical supervision in many formats, to many people including…
Any person providing direct care of any type
Bachelor’s & Master’s level interns and individuals
Post Degree Licensure (individuals and groups)
Motivational Interviewing Series
Healing (Trauma) Informed Care Series
Support your agency, program, staff and participants by offering reflective/clinical supervision.
Contact me now to discuss your reflective/clinical supervision needs.